Ground Floor
Premium & Classic Apparel
OUR SHIFT is a responsible, community-driven fashion brand based in Copenhagen. As a brand that challenges fashion norms, OUR SHIFT offers a positive glimpse into a future where style no longer comes at the expense of our planet. OUR SHIFT’s identity is using upcycling techniques to create garments that convey a powerful message: to halt overproduction. The unique choice of materials, such as abandoned festival tents and deadstock fabrics, shows the commitment to circularity and tells a hopeful story of textiles being rescued from impending landfills. Storytelling lies at the core of OUR SHIFT. Each unique garment narrates a tale of transformation, echoing the ethos of circularity. It’s not only about clothing; it’s about crafting narratives that inspire change. As a community-driven brand, OUR SHIFT inspires and assists its members and industry partners in creating a global movement where responsible fashion becomes a shared value. When someone chooses OUR SHIFT clothes, they don’t just choose fashion; they represent a style that refuses to compromise the health of our planet. Join the movement!